The Joyful Wisdom

Published: Feb 25, 2011 by admin - Filed under: Archive Credits - Views: 2027
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The Joyful Wisdom (a.k.a. The Gay Science)

Original Title:  Die fröhliche Wissenschaft ("La Gaya Scienza") 

First German Publication 1882, 2nd Edition 1887. [@Wikipedia]


Friedrich Nietzsche

Translated by Thomas Common

(Translation first published 1910)


Original Text Source

HTML Version: eBooks@Adelaide 2010

This web edition published by eBooks@Adelaide .

Rendered into HTML by Steve Thomas .

Last updated Thu Apr 15 10:37:17 2010.

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The University of Adelaide Library
University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005


A Contemporary Nietzsche Reader version:

Based on eBooks@Adelaide html version.

Edited by Holtof Donné: 

corrected text and fixed several html problems (illegal - mostly windows/office - characters etc)

Checked, verified, corrected and completed the text where necessary using a pdf version edited by William A. Chapko, 2010, in the "Nietzsche Love of Fate Series" (Version 4.67 - March 1, 2010.).


In a few rare cases, doublechecked, in case of doubt, using Cambridge University Press 2001 translation by Josefine Nauckhoff.


Published online : February-March 2011 at

Many thanks to all the above ;)