Beyond Good and Evil

Prelude to a Future Philosophy


Friedrich Nietzsche

Translated by Ian Johnston

Translation copyright Ian Johnston of Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC

This web edition edited and published by Holtof Donné

Click here for full Credits and Copyright License

Table of Contents

  1. On the Prejudices of Philosophers
  2. The Free Spirit
  3. The Religious Nature
  4. Aphorisms and Interludes
  5. A Natural History of Morals
  6. We Scholars
  7. Our Virtues
  8. Peoples and Fatherlands
  9. What is Noble?
  10. Aftersong

The following translation retains Nietzsche’s short quotations and phrases in languages other than German and includes, immediately after such phrases, an English translation in the text, placed in italics within square brackets (e.g. [English translation] ). If the quotation is more than a few words long, the English version is included in the text, and Nietzsche’s original quotation appears in a note at the end of the translation. 

Sometimes, when there may be some ambiguity about the meaning of a word or phrase in the original, this text also includes in square brackets a term from Nietzsche’s German text.

The endnotes, which provide information about people or quotations mentioned in the text, have been provided by the translator.

Beyond Good and Evil, one of the most important works of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), was first published in 1886.

Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Cover - Aphorism # 0

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