We immoral ones !- This world which we're concerned with, in which we have to fear and love, this almost invisible and inaudible world of sophisticated commanding, sophisticated obeying, a world of "almost" from every way of looking at it - entangled, embarrassing, cutting, and tender - yes, this world is well defended against clumsy spectators and familiar curiosity! We have been woven into a strict yarn and shirt of duties and cannot get out of it - in that respect we are simply "men of duty," we as well! Now and then, it's true, we dance happily in our "chains" and between our "swords." More often, it's no less true, we gnash our teeth about it and are impatient with all the secret hardness of our fate. But we can do what we like: the fools and appearance speak against us: "They are men without duty." - We always have fools and appearance against us!

Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Part VII - Aphorism # 226

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