Compiled by
                                    J. F. Humphrey
            I. NIETZSCHE'S WORKS
                 A. GERMAN EDITIONS
                 B. ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS
                      2. WORKS
                      1. BOOKS
                      2. ANTHOLOGIES OF ARTICLES
                      3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTICLES
                      1. BOOKS
                      2. ANTHOLOGIES OF ARTICLES
                      3. GERMAN LANGUAGE ARTICLES
             A. GERMAN EDITIONS
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Erkenntnis Theoretische Schriften.
               Nachwort von Juergen Habermas. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp
               Verlag, 1968.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Gesammelte Werke.  23 vols.  Muenchen:
               Musarion Verlag, 1920-29.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe.  Edited by
               Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari.  Berlin and New York:
               Walter de Gruyter, 1967-.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Werke in drei Banden.  Hrsg. Karl
               Schlechta.  Muenchen: Hanser, 1956.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Der Wille zur Macht: Versuch einer
               Umwertung aller Werte.  Edited by Peter Gast and Elisabeth
               Foster-Nietzsche.  Stuttgart: Alfred Kroener Verlag,
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Saemtliche Werke in zwoelf Banden.
               Stuttgart: Alfred Kroener Verlag, 1965.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Saemtliche Werke: Kritische Studienausgabe.
               Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari.  Muenchen und Berlin:
               Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG and Walter de
               Gruyter, 1980.
                    1. Anthologies of Nietzsche's Writings
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Basic Writings of Nietzsche.  Translated
               and edited, with commentaries, by Walter Kaufmann.  New
               York: Modern Library, 1968.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Philosophy and Truth: Selections from
               Nietzsche's Notebooks of the early 1870's.  Translated and
               edited, with an introduction and notes, by Daniel Breazeale.
               Forward by Walter Kaufmann.  Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey
               07716: Humanities Press, 1979.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  The Portable Nietzsche.  Translated,
               edited, and with a critical introduction and notes by Walter
               Kaufmann.  New York: Viking Press, 1968.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Young Nietzsche and Philosophy: Three
               Juvenile Essays.  Translated, with critical annotation, by
               Richard Perkins.  Enigma Press, n.d.
                    2. Works
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  "The Birth of Tragedy" and "The Case of
               Wagner".  Translated, with commentary, by Walter Kaufmann.
               New York: Vintage Books, 1967.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  "The Birth of Tragedy" and "The Genealogy
               of Morals".  Translated by Francis Golffing.  Garden City,
               New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1956.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Untimely Meditations.  Translated by R. J.
               Hollingdale.  Introduction by J. P. Stern.  The Pitt
               Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP: Cambridge
               University Press, 1983.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  On the Advantage and Disadvantage of
               History for Life.  Translated, with an introduction, by
               Peter Preuss.  Box 55573, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205:
               Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1980.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free
               Spirits.  Translated by Marion Faber and Stephen Lehmann.
               Introduction and notes by Marion Faber.  Lincoln, Nebraska:
               University of Nebraska Press, 1986.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free
               Spirits.  Translated by R. J. Hollingdale.  Introduction by
               Erich Heller.  The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street,
               Cambridge CB2 1RP: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of
               Morality.  Translated by R. J. Hollingdale.  Introduction by
               Michael Tanner.  The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street,
               Cambridge CB2 1RP: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  The Gay Science.  Translated and edited,
               with commentary, by Walter Kaufmann.  New York: Vintage
               Books, 1974.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Joyful Wisdom.  Translated by Thomas
               Common.  Introduction by Kurt F. Reinhardt.  New York:
               Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1971.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for
               Everyone and No One.  Translated with an introduction by R.
               J. Hollingdale.  7110 Ambassador Road, Baltimore, Maryland
               21207: Penguin Books, Inc., 1969.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a
               Philosophy of the Future.  Translated and edited, with
               commentary, by Walter Kaufmann.  New York: Vintage Books,
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  "On the Genealogy of Morals" and "Ecce
               Homo".  Translated and edited, with commentary, by Walter
               Kaufmann.  New York: Vintage Books, 1969.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  "The Twilight of the Idols" and "The Anti-
               Christ".  Translated, with an introduction and commentary,
               by R. J. Hollingdale.  625 Madison Avenue, New York 10022:
               Penguin Books, 1977.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is.
               Translated, with an introduction and notes, by R. J.
               Hollingdale.  625 Madison Avenue, New York 10022: Penguin
               Books, 1982.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  The Will to Power.  Translated by Walter
               Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale.  Edited, with commentary, by
               Walter Kaufmann.  New York: Vintage Books, 1968.
          Nietzsche, Friedrich.  Unpublished Letters.  Translated and
               edited by Kurt F. Leidecker.  15 East 40th Street, New York:
               Philosophical Library, Inc., 1959.
                    1. BOOKS
          Alderman, Harold.  Nietzsche's Gift.  Athens, Ohio 45701: Ohio
               University Press, 1977.
          Dannhauser, Werner J.  Nietzsche's View Of Socrates.  124 Roberts
               Place, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1974.
          Danto, Arthur C.  Nietzsche As Philosopher.  New York: Macmillan
               Company, 1965, rpt. 1967.
          de Man, Paul.  Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in
               Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust.  New Haven,
               Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1979.
          Deleuze, Gilles.  Nietzsche and Philosophy.  Translated by Hugh
               Tomlinson.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
          Derrida, Jacques.  Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles.  Translated by
               Barbara Harlow.  Chicago, Illinois 60637: The University of
               Chicago Press, 1978.
          Donadio, Stephen.  Nietzsche, Henry James, and the Artistic Will.
               New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
          Dyck, J. W.  Nietzsche.  Waltham, Massachusetts: Blaisbell Co.,
          Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich.  Wagner and Nietzsche.  Translated by
               Joachim Neugroschel.  815 Second Avenue, New York, New York
               10017: The Seabury Press, Inc., 1976.
          Grimm, Ruediger Hermann.  Nietzsche's Theory of Knowledge.
               Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung, vol. 4.  New
               York and Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1977.
          Hatab, Lawrence J.  Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence: The
               Redemption of Time and Becoming.  4710 Auth Place, S.E.,
               Washington, D.C. 20023: University Press of America, Inc.,
          Heidegger, Martin.  Nietzsche: I. The Will to Power as Art.
               Translated with notes and analysis by David Farrell Krell.
               10 East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022: Harper & Row,
               Publishers, Inc., 1979.
          Heidegger, Martin.  Nietzsche: IV. Nihilism.  Edited, with notes
               and an analysis by David Farrell Krell.  Translated by Frank
               A. Capuzzi.  10 East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022:
               Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1982.
          Heidegger, Martin.  What Is Called Thinking?  Translated by Fred
               D. Wieck and J. Glenn Gray.  10 East 53rd Street, New York,
               New York 10022: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1972.
          Heidegger, Martin.  The End of Philosophy.  Translated by Fred D.
               Wieck and J. Glenn Gray.  10 East 53rd Street, New York, New
               York 10022: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1973.
          Heller, Peter.  Dialectics and Nihilism: Essays on Lessing,
               Nietzsche, Mann, and Kafka.  Amherst, Massachusetts 01002:
               The University of Massachusetts Press, 1966.
          Higgins, Kathleen Marie.  Nietzsche's "Zarathustra".
               Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia 19122: Temple University Press,
          Hollingdale, R. J.  Nietzsche: The Man and His Philosophy.
               Revised edition  9 Park Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108:
               Ark Paperbacks, 1985.
          Jaspers, Karl.  Nietzsche: An Introduction to the Understanding
               of His Philosophical Activity.  Translated by Charles F.
               Wallraff and Frederick J. Schmitz.  Chicago, Illinois:
               Henery Regnery Company, 1966.
          Jaspers, Karl.  Nietzsche and Christianity.  Chicago: Regency,
          Kaufmann, Walter.  Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist,
               Antichrist.  4th edition  Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
               University Press, 1974.
          Kaufmann, Walter.  Critique of Religion and Philosophy.  New
               York: Harper, 1958.
          Knight, G. W.  Some Aspects of the Life and Work of Nietzsche and
               Particularly of His Connection with Greek Literature and
               Thought.  New York, 1933.
          Lampert, Laurence.  Nietzsche's Teaching: An Interpretation of
               "Thus Spoke Zarathustra".  New Haven, Connecticut: Yale
               University Press, 1986.
          Lea, F. A.  The Tragic Philosopher.  London, 1955.
          Love, Frederick R.  Young Nietzsche and the Wagnerian Experience.
               Chapel Hill, University of Carolina Press, 1963.
          Loewith, Karl.  Meaning in History.  Chicago, Illinois 60637: The
               University of Chicago Press, 1949, rpt. 1970.
          Loewith, Karl.  From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Revolution in
               Nineteenth-Century Thought.  Translated by David E. Green.
               Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. Anchor
               Books, 1964.
          Lukacs, Georg.  The Destruction of Reason.  Translated by Peter
               Palmer.  Atlantic, New Jersey: Atlantic Highlands Press,
          Nehamas, Alexander.  Nietzsche: Life as Literature.  Cambridge,
               Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1985.
          O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington.  Son of the Morning: A
               Portrait of Friedrich Nietzsche.  London: Cape, 1932.
          Perkins, Richard.  Between a Fool and a Corpse: Zarathustra and
               the Overcoming of Man.  Earl R. Nitschke, 803 South
               University Avenue, Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858: Enigma
               Press, 1980.
          Peters, H. F.  Zarathustra's Sister: The Case of Elisabeth and
               Friedrich Nietzsche.  2901 Broadway, New York, New York:
               Markus Wiener Publishing, Inc., 1985.
          Peters, H. F.  My Sister, My Spouse: A Biography of Lou-Andreas
               Salome.  Preface by Anais Nin.  500 Fifth Avenue, New York,
               New York 10110: W. W. Norton & Company, 1974.
          Pfeffer, Rose.  Nietzsche: Disciple of Dionysus.  Cranbury, New
               Jersey 08512: Associated University Presses, Inc. and
               Bucknell Univeristy Press, 1972.
          Salter, W. F.  Nietzsche, The Thinker.  Unger, New York, 1968.
          Schacht, Richard.  Nietzsche.  London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,
          Scheler, Max.  Resentiment.  Translated by W. W. Holdheim.
               Edited with an introduction by Lewis A. Coser.  New York:
               Free Press, 1972.
          Schutte, Ofelia.  Beyond Nihilism: Nietzsche without Masks.
               Chicago, Illinois 60637: The University of Chicago Press,
          Silk, M. S. and Stern, J. P.  Nietzsche On Tragedy.  Cambridge:
               Cambridge University Press, 1981.
          Stambaugh, Joan.  The Problem of Time in Nietzsche.  Translated
               by J. F. Humphrey.  440 Forsgate Drive, Cranbury, New Jersey
               08512: Associated University Presses, Inc., 1987.
          Stambaugh, Joan.  Nietzsche's Thought of Eternal Return.
               Baltimore, Maryland 21218: Johns Hopkins University Press,
          Stern, J. P.  Friedrich Nietzsche.  625 Madison Avenue, New York,
               New York 10022: Penguin Books, 1979.
          Sutton, Claud.  The German Tradition in Philosophy.  London:
               Weidenfeld Nichols, 1974.
          White, Hayden V.  Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in
               Nineteenth-Century Europe.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press,
          Wilcox, John T.  Truth and value in Nietzsche: A Study His
               Metaethics and Epistemology.  P. O. Box 19101, Washington,
               D. C. 20036: University Press of America, Inc., 1982.
                    2. ANTHOLOGIES OF ARTICLES
          The New Nietzsche: Contemporary styles of Interpretation.
               Edited, with an introduction, by David B. Allison.  1 Dag
               Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, New York 10017: Dell
               Publishing Co., Inc., 1977.
          Nietzsche: A Collection of Critical Essays.  Edited by Robert C.
               Solomon.  Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1973.
          Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought.  Edited by Malcolm Pasley.
               Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press,
          Metaphor: Problems and Perspectives.  Edited by David S. Miall.
               Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 07716: Humanities Press Inc.,
                    3 ARTICLES
          Arras, John D.  "Art, Truth, and Aesthetics in Nietzsche's
               Philosophy of Power."  Nietzsche Studien 9  (1980): 239-59.
          Baxter, Brian H.  "Art and Embodied Truth."  Mind 92, no. 366
               (April  1983): 189-203.
          Bergoffen, Debra B.  Review of Nietzsche's View of Socrates, by
               Werner J. Dannhauser.  In Man and World 11, nos. 1/2 (1978):
          Bergoffen, Debra B.  "Why a Genealogy of Morals?"  Man and World
               16 (1983): 129-138.
          Bertram, Maryanne J.  "'God's Second Blunder'--Serpent Woman and
               the Gestalt in Nietzsche's Thought."  Southern Journal
               Philosophy 19  (Fall 1981): 259-78.
          Breazeale, J. Daniel.  "The Word, the World, and Nietzsche."
               Philosophical Forum 6, nos. 2 and 3 (Winter-Spring 1975):
          Bridgwater, Patrick.  "English Writers and Nietzsche." In
               Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought--A Collection of Essays.
               Edited by Malcolm Pasley. London: Methuen, 1978, pp. 220-58.
          Brush, Stephen G.  "Nietzsche's Recurrence Revisited: The French
               Connection."  Journal History of Philosophy 19 (April 1981):
          Cantor, Paul.  "Friedrich Nietzsche: The Use and Abuse of
               Metaphor."  In Metaphor: Problems and Perspectives.  Edited
               by David S. Miall, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1982, pp.
          Clark, Maudemarie.  "Nietzsche's Doctrines of the Will To Power."
               Nietzsche Studien 12 (1983): 458-68.
          Clegg, Jerry S.  "Nietzsche and the Ascent of Man in a Cyclical
               Cosmos."  Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (January
               1981): 81-94.
          Cobb-Stevens, Veda.  "Amor Fati and Power in Nietzsche." In
               Philosophical Reflections on Man in Literature. Edited by
               Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.  Boston: Riedel, 1982, pp.
          Combee, Jerry H.  "Nietzsche as Cosmologist: The Idea of the
               Eternal Recurrence as a Cosmological Doctrine and Some
               Aspects of Its Relation to the Doctrine of the Will to
               Power."  Interpretation 4, no. 1 (Winter 1974): 38-47.
          Davey, J. R. Nicholas.  "Heidegger's Interpretation of
               Nietzsche's 'The Will to Power as Art'."  Journal of British
               Society for Phenomenology 12 (October 1981): 267-74.
          Derrida, Jacques.  "White Mythology: Metaphor in the Text of
               Philosophy."  New Literary History 6, no. 1 (Autumn 1974):
          Donnellan, Brendan.  "Friedrich Nietzsche and Paul Ree:
               Cooperation and Conflict."  Journal of History of Ideas 43
               (October-December 1982): 595-612.
          Engel, Morris S.  "An Early Nietzsche Fragment on Language."
               Journal of the History of Ideas 24, no. 2 (April-June 1963):
          Force, James E.  "The Changing Nature of Nietzsche's Gods and the
               Architect's Conquest of Gravity."  Journal History
               Philosophy 20 (April 1982): 179-95.
          Frisby, Elisabeth.  "Nietzschean Themes in Clarke's 'Childhood's
               End'."  Philosophy in Context 11 (1981): 71-80.
          Gilman, Sander L.  "Nietzsche's Reading on the Dionysian: From
               Nietzsche's Library."  Nietzsche Studien 6 (1977): 292-94.
          Grimm, Ruediger Hermann.  "Circularity and Self-reverence in
               Nietzsche."  Metaphilosophy 10, nos. 3 and 4 (July and
               October 1979): 289-305.
          Habermas, Juergen.  "The Entwinement of Myth and Enlightenment:
               Re-Reading Dialectic of Enlightenment."  New German Critique
               No. 26 (Spring-Summer 1982): 13-30.
          Hatab, Lawrence J.  "Mysticism and Language."  International
               Philosophy Quarterly 22, no. 1 (March 1982): 51-64.
          Hatab, Lawrence J.  "Nietzsche on Women."  Southern Journal of
               Philosophy 19 (Fall 1981): 333-46.
          Hazelton, Roger.  "Nietzsche's Contribution to the Theory of
               Language."  Philosophical Review 52, no. 1 (Jan 1943): 47-
          Hershbell, Jackson P. and Nimis, Stephen A.  "Nietzsche and
               Heraclitus."  Nietzsche Studien 8 (1979): 17-38.
          Hinman, Lawrence M.  "Nietzsche, Metaphor, and Truth."
               Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 43, no. 2 (December
               1982): 179-99.
          Hinman, Lawrence M.  "Nietzsche's Philosophy of Play."
               Philosophy Today 18, no. 2 (Summer 1974): 106-24.
          Keaton, Alvin E.  "The Force of Nietzsche's Criticism of
               Christianity."  Journal of Thought, 78-81.
          Krell, David Farrell.  "Decensional Reflection." In Philosophy
               and Archaic Experience. Edited by John Sallis. Pittsburgh:
               Duquesne University Press, 1982, pp.
          Krell, David Farrell.  "Heidegger and Zarathustra."  Philosophy
               Today 18, no. 4 (Winter 1974): 306-11.
          Lingis, Alphonso.  "The Language of 'The Gay Science'." In The
               Philosophical Reflections on Man in Literature. Edited by
               Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Boston: Riedel, 1982, pp.
          Luke, F. D.  "Nietzsche and the Imagery of Height." In Nietzsche:
               Imagery and Thought--A Collection of Essays. Edited, with a
               preface, by Malcolm Pasley.  London: Metheuen, 1978, pp.
          McEachran, Frank.  "On Translating Nietzsche into English."
               Nietzsche Studien 6 (1977): 295-99.
          McGinn, Robert E.  "Culture as Prophylactic: Nietzsche's 'Birth
               of Tragedy' as Culture Criticism."  Nietzsche Studien 4
               (1975): 75-138.
          Magnus, Bernd.  "Eternal Recurrence."  Nietzsche Studien 8
               (1979): 362-77.
          Magnus, Bern.  "Nietzsche's Mitigated Skepticism."  Nietzsche
               Studien 9 (1980): 260-67.
          Magnus, Bernd.  "Perfectibility and Attitude in Nietzsche's
               'šbermensch'."  Review of Metaphysics 36 (March 1983): 633-
          Makiewicz, Witold.  "In Search of Creative Identity:
               (Przbyszewski and Nietzsche)."  Dialectics and Humanism no.
               2 (1982): 163-74.
          Megill, Allan.  "Nietzsche as Aestheticist."  Philosophy and
               Literature 5 (1981): 204-225.
          Miri, Sujata.  "The Exceptional Man and Nietzsche."  Indian
               Philosophical Quarterly 9 (October 1981): 1-6.
          Mistry, Freny.  "An Aspect of Nietzsche's Perspectivism in 'Die
               Geburt der Tragodie'."  Nietzsche Studien 8 (1979):      9.
          Mittelman, Willard.  "The Relation between Nietzsche's Theory of
               the Will to Power and His Earlier Conception of Power."
               Nietzsche Studien 9 (1980): 122-41.
          Nehamas, Alexander.  "Immanent and Transcendent Perspectivism in
               Nietzsche."  Nietzsche Studien 12 (1983): 473-490.
          Nehamas, Alexander.  Review of Nietzsche: A Critical Life, by
               Ronald Hayman.  In Journal of the History of Philosophy 20,
               no. 1 (January 1982): 98-100.
          Newman, Eugene G.  "The Meta-Moralism of Nietzsche."  Journal of
               Value Inquiry 16 (1982): 207-22.
          Pasley, Malcolm.  "Nietzsche's Use of Medical Terms." In
               Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought--A Collection of Essays.
               Edited, with a preface, by Malcolm Pasley.  London:
               Metheuen, 1978, pp. 123-58.
          Perkins, Richard.  "MA 628: Preliminary Analysis of the Aphorism
               and Its Precursors."  Nietzsche Studien 6 (1977): 205-39.
          Perkins, Richard.  "Nietzsche's opus alchymicum."  Seminar 23,
               no. 3 (September 1987): 216-26.
          Perkins, Richard.  "Metamorphosis in Nietzsche and Its Sources in
               Satiric Fable."  Comparative Literature 22, no. 4 (Winter
               1985): 472-95.
          Pfeffer, Rose.  "Eternal Recurrence in Nietzsche's Philosophy."
               Review of Metaphysics 19 (December 1965): 276-300.
          Pippen, Robert B.  "Nietzsche and the Origin of the Idea of
               Modernism."  Inquiry 26, no. 2 (June 1983): 151-80.
          Putz, Peter.  "Nietzsche: Art and Intellectual Inquiry." In
               Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought--A Collection of Essays.
               Edited, with a preface, by Malcolm Pasley. London: Metheuen,
               1978, pp. 1-32.
          Reed, T. J.  "Nietzsche's Animals: Idea, Image, and Influence."
               In Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought--A Collection of Essays.
               Edited, with a preface, by Malcolm Pasley. London: Metheuen,
               1978, 159-219.
          Reinhardt, Karl.  "Nietzsche's Lament of Ariadne."  Translated by
               Gunther Heilbraum Interpretation 6, no. 3 (October 1977):
          Robbins, Leonard.  "Zarathustra and the Magician or, Nietzsche
               Contra Nietzsche: Some Difficulties in the Concept of the
               Overman."  Man and World 9, no. 2 (June 1976): 175-95.
          Rudolph, Arthur.  "Jung and Zarathustra: An Analytic
               Interpretation."  Philosophy Today 18, no. 4 (Winter 1974):
          Rudolph, Enno.  "Nietzsches Kritik an der Metaphysik und am
               Christentum."  In Theologie, was ist das?  Edited by Georg
               Picht, Stuttgart: Kreuz Verlag, 1977, pp. 289-309.
          Sallis, John.  "Nietzsche's Underworld of Truth."  Philosophy
               Today 16, no. 1 (Spring 1972): 12-19.
          Schrift, Alan D.  "Language, Metaphor, Rhetoric: Nietzsche's
               Deconstruction of Epistemology."  Journal of the History of
               Philosophy 23, no. 3 (July 1985): 371-95.
          Schufreider, Gregory.  "The Metaphysician as Poet-Magician."
               Metaphilosophy 10, nos. 3 and 4 (July/October 1979): 265-88.
          Schuermann, Reiner.  "Anti-Humanism: Reflections of the Turn
               Towards the Post-Modern Epoch."  Man and World 12, no. 1
               (1979): 160-77.
          Shapiro, Gary.  "Nietzsche conta Renan."  History and Theory 21
               (May 1982): 193-222.
          Small, Robin.  "Nietzsche's God."  Philosophy Today 26,  (Spring
               1982): 41-53.
          Stack, George J.  "Nietzsche and the Correspondence Theory of
               Truth."  Dialogos 16 (November 1981): 93-118.
          Stack, George J.  "Nietzsche's Influence on Pragmatic Humanism."
               Journal of the History of Philosophy 20, no. 4 (October
               1982): 369-406.
          Stack, George J.  "Nietzsche's Instrumental Fictionalism."
               Philosophy Today 25 (Winter 1981): 317-33.
          Stack, George J.  Review of Nietzsche's Theory of Knowledge, by
               Rudiger H. Grimm.  Man and World 12, no. 2 (1979): 246-56.
          Stambaugh, Joan.  "Comments on Erich Heller's 'Nietzsche--
               Philosopher of Art'."  Nietzsche Studien 12 (1983): 454-57.
          Stambaugh, Joan.  "Thoughts on the Innocence of Becoming."
               Nietzsche Studien 6 (1977): 164-204.
          Sterling, M. C.  "Recent Discussions of Eternal Recurrence: Some
               Critical Comments."  Nietzsche Studien 6 (1977): 261-291.
          Stern, J. P.  "Nietzsche and the Idea of Metaphor."  In
               Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought. Edited by Malcolm Pasley.
               London: Methuen 1978, pp. 64-82.
          Strong, Tracy B.  "Comment on Alexander Nehamas' 'Immanent and
               Transcendent Perspectivism in Nietzsche'."  Nietzsche
               Studien 12 (1983): 491-94.
          Thatcher, David S.  "Nietzsche's Debt to Lubbock."  Journal of
               the History of Ideas  (April 1983): 293-309.
          Walters, Kerry S.  "The Ontological Basis of Nietzsche's
               Perspectivism."  Dialogue (PST) 24 (April 1982): 35-46.
          Warnock, Mary.  "Nietzsche's Conception of Truth."  In Nietzsche:
               Imagery and Thought.  Edited by Malcolm Pasley.  Berkeley
               and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press,
               1978, pp. 33-63.
          Wilcox, John T.  "Comment on Paper by Maudemarie Clark:
               'Nietzsche's Doctrines of the Will to Power'."  Nietzsche
               Studien 12 (1983): 469-72.
          Wilcox, John T.  "Nietzsche Scholarship and 'the Correspondence
               Theory of Truth': The Danto Case."  Nietzsche Studien 15
               (1986): 337-57.
          Williams, W. D.  "Nietzsche's Masks."  In Nietzsche: Imagery and
               Thought--A Collection of Essays. Edited, with a preface, by
               Malcolm Pasley. London: Metheuen, 1978, 83-103.
          Wurzer, William S.  "'Mens et Corpus' in Spinoza and Nietzsche: A
               Propaedeutic Comparison."  Dialogos 16,  (November 1981):
          Wurzer, Wilhelm S.  "Nietzsche's Return to an Aesthetic
               Beginning," Man and World 11, nos. 1/2 (1978): 59-77.
                    1. BOOKS
          Berger, Hannelore.  Untersuchungen zur Philosophie Nietzsches als
               einem Problem der Sprache.  Augsburg: Werner Blasaditsch
               Dissertationdruck, 1969.
          Bertram, Ernst.  Nietzsche: Versuch einer Mythologie.  Bonn:
               Bouvier, 1918; rpt. 1965.
          Bindschedler, Maria.  Nietzsce und die poetische Luege.  In
               Philosophische Forschungen, neue Folge, vol. 5.  Edited by
               Karl Jaspers.  Basel, 1954.
          Bueb, Bernhard.  Nietzsches Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.
               Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1970.
          Buri, F.  Kreuz und Ring: Die Kreuzestheologie des jungen Luther
               und die Lehre von der ewigen Wiederkunft in Nietzsches
               "Zarathustra".  Bern, 1947.
          Dahlhaus, Carl.  Die Idee der absoluten Musik.  Muenchen:
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          Naumann, Barbara.  "Nietzsches Sprache 'Aus der Natur':       e
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               metaphorische Einloesung in 'Also sprach Zarathustra'."
               Nietzsche Studien 126-63.
          Picht, Georg.  "Antwort von Georg Picht." In Theologie, was ist
               das?  Edited by Georg Picht.  Stuttgart: Kreuz-Verlag, 1977,
               pp. 311-22.
          Rahner, H.  "Der spielende Mensch."  Eranos-Jahrbuch 16
          Rudolph, Enno.  "Nietzsches Kritik an der Metaphysik und am
               Christentum."  In Theologie, was ist das?  Edited by Georg
               Picht, Stuttgart: Kreuz Verlag, 1977, pp. 289-309.
          Schlechta, Karl.  "Nietzsche ber den Glauben an die Grammatik."
               Nietzsche Studien 1 (1972): 353-58.
          Simon, Joseph.  "Grammatik und Wahrheit: Uber das Verhaeltnis
               Nietzsches zur spekulativen Satzgrammatik der metaphysischen
               Tradition."  Nietzsche Studien 1 (1972): 1-26.
          Sonderegger, Stefan.  "Friedrich Nietzsche und die sprache: Eine
               sprachwissenschaftlich Skizze."  Nietzsche Studien  1-30.
          Stambaugh, Joan.  Untersuchungen zum Problem der Zeit bei
               Nietzsche.  Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1959.
          Stegmaier, Werner.  "Nietzsches Neubestimmung der Wahrheit."
               Nietzsche Studien
          Thurnher, Rainer.  "Sprache und Welt bei Friedrich Nietzsche."
               Nietzsche Studien 9 (1980): 38-60.
          Ungeheuer, Gerold.  "Nietzsche ueber Sprache und Sprechen,
               ueber Wahrheit und Traum."  Nietzsche Studien 134-213.
          Villwock, Jorg.  "Welt und Metaphor."  Zeitschrift fur
               philosophische Forschung 37, no. 2 (April-June 1983): 199-

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